Photon Network API Server To Client Disconnection Due to RPC Help Request

Hello Devs, the project i am working alongside uses Serialise and RPC calls to move items around a scene, the issue i am having is that after a certain amount of RPC buffered calls, the server will get around 1.4gb is usage and after time, the clients will get disconnected from further RPC calls in contract the serialise commands continue to commit.

There is not a large amount of Photon Views in scene but there is high RPC call usage, is there a way to prevent the drop out apart from reducing the amount of calls as the server is run on a very high end rig as are the clients.


  • jeanfabre

    whoah, ok, yes, you'll need to optimize this indeed.

    Is the room never ever getting closed? is it a continous world? typically, if you have enough players, you should balance room and close a room after a while so that it slowly empty itself and join new players to other rooms, it's not a good idea especially when using buffered RPC to have a room lasting for ever.

    If you are sending so many RPC, maybe you should look into streams instead, they will make more sense here.

    Do you really need buffered RPC? maybe you can use an external Database and keep the game state in the db so that newcomers simply pull data from the db instead of getting flooded with buffered rpc.

