How to show players name in UI panel once game starts?

I'm trying to make a one vs one game, but I am having trouble displaying both players names.

I have made a simple game scene, that launches only when 2 players are joined (min 2 players, max 2 players).
In the very beginning I want to have a UI panel (with text) displaying each of their names, which goes away after few seconds.
What would I need to do to accomplish this?
I've made a reference to the two text fields that I want replaced with the Photon.playerName of each player, but every time I try only one of the text fields gets filled with the right name (other is blank). I am quite new to online development, but The code I've written is as follows

private GameObject IntroductionPanel;
private Text Player1text;
private Text Player2text;
// few other variables

void Awake () {
IntroductionPanel.gameObject.SetActive (false);
playerID = PhotonNetwork.player.ID;

void SpawnPlayers () {
if (playerID == 1) {
player1 = (GameObject)PhotonNetwork.Instantiate (, Player1Spawn.transform.position, Player1Spawn.transform.rotation, 0);

if (playerID == 2) {
player2 = (GameObject)PhotonNetwork.Instantiate (, Player2Spawn.transform.position, Player2Spawn.transform.rotation, 0);

SetupIntroductionPanel ();

StartCoroutine (MoveMainCamera ());

void SetupIntroductionPanel () {
// set the players name here (Where I'm stuck)
if (playerID == 1) {
Player1text.text = PhotonNetwork.playerName;

if (playerID == 2) {
Player2text.text = PhotonNetwork.playerName;

IntroductionPanel.gameObject.SetActive (true);

IEnumerator MoveMainCamera () {
// move camera

The "SetupIntroductionPanel" function is where I try to do this.
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


  • Hi

    you need to listen to other players joining using "OnPhotonPlayerConnected()" and "OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected()" to catch other players name.

    You can find a full working UI sample with Player listing and Room Listing here I would recommend you get it on a fresh project, check it out and take it as a base to implement your UI system.

    Let me know if you have more questions.


  • Thank you for your response, but i'm having trouble because the function "OnPhotonPlayerConnected()" is handled in a different scene (the searching or finding a match scene)(scene number 4), and when 2 players are connected in the same room in that scene, the scene changes and goes to the "Game" scene(scene number 5). When I add the "OnPhotonPlayerConnected()" in the Game scene nothing happens / doesn't get called because no new players connect.
    In the "Searching Game" scene where I have the "OnPhotonPlayerConnected()" function, I don't know how to access the UI Panel (which is in the "Game" scene) where I want to show each of the players names.
  • Mir
    You can use [DontDestroyOnLoad] API on Game Object which have [OnPhotonPlayerConnected()] function in [Searching Game Scene].

    Then Access [Game Scene] UI pannel to that survive object.
  • @Mir
    Thanks for the response I've tried that and it works just fine, but now the actual part I'm having trouble on is actually "accessing" the players names. I don't know how to get each players name and set them to the right text spot on the panel (player1text.text = player1Name, player2text.text = player2Name).

    What should I do? Make a for loop or a foreach loop on the OnPhotonPlayerConnected function? And if so how do I get each players names and set them accordingly so their names pop up in the right spot?

  • I think PhotonNetwork.playerList is what you require. It lists all the players in the current room, including the local player.