How often is PhotonNetwork.time update?


I've got a game called Multiroids which currently runs on Windows Store (Windows Phone & Desktop):

In the game you can shoot bullets that travel quite fast so I decided to use RCP calls when a bullet is fired. The RPC contains a time based on PhotonNetwork.time when the bullet should arrive at the destination.

Then I lerp the position of the bullet locally on each client using PhotonNetwork.time which works.

But the problem is that sometimes the bullet starts a bit off even on the local client and it has a bit of jerky movement. I suspect that this might be caused by the fact that PhotonNetwork.time is only updated when a message arrives on the client, is that correct or do you update it even if there are no messages using a prediction algorithm?

If that is the case then I guess I could use a function to sync the local time with PhotonNetwork.time instead or is there a better way?
