Is PUN right for me? + some questions

I am planning to do 2D competetive top-down shooter. I want to have 16 players on a server. From the website calculator it shows me that just with 5 messages per player & second it will require 1,280 total per second per room. This is nearly three times more than what free plan offers. I don't want to invest into paid plans untill the game is ready.

From what I understand, 1 message will be player pos, another player rot, so even if I could manage 1,280 per second per room I would have only 3 other messages left for custom stuff?

Does RPC count as a message aswell?

If I want players to leave blood on the floor when hit, should I do it via RPCs?

What if I wanted to have NPCs? Thats way much more messages for tens of them at once. (If I understand it right)

Will be glad for some clarification.


  • jeanfabre

    Rpc do count as messages yes: Sending a rpc to one player is 2 messages. Sending and Receiving.

    Yes, RPC would be the right way to have blood splat, or even better blood splt should be left as a secondary animation when things get hit ( which would come from the fire rpc, so you avoid sending too many message for the same action).

    So yes, indeed you need to be careful with your number of messages. Maybe it's a case of having only 8 players per room maybe? Anyway, you should get in touch with the sales departement and mention your case, you'll then get a quote and you'll be able to act upon with your game design.

    During development, it doesn't matter much to be testing with 4, 8 or 16. When you get to a point in your production that your system works with 8 players and that you've managed to get 8 players connected and testing your game, you can then commit to the appropriate plan and do a final round of tests with 16 players.

