Is it possible to move from a room to another?

I want to make a "base room,' that all players will connect to. Basically so all players can message each other. From there, there will be a button they can click that'll matchmake for them, in which will put them into a new room. Is it possible to put a player into another room from their current room?


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @ALC,

    First of all, we do not recommend connecting all your players to a single room. Please consider other matchmaking approach. We believe what Photon provides is already enough to achieve even advanced and complex matchmaking scenarios. We invite you to take a look at our "Matchmaking Guide" and search the forum for other interesting ideas, I'm sure you'll find plenty.

    To answer your question:
    No you can't move from one room to another without going back to MasterServer. You must explictily disconnect from GameServer (leave the first room) first and then join the second one once on MasterServer.
  • [Deleted User]
    edited August 2016
    Hi ALC,
    ALC said:

    Is it possible to put a player into another room from their current room?

    joining a room while still in another room is not possible. You first need to leave the current room, re-join the lobby (this happens automatically when you activate autoJoinLobby property) and then join the new room.
  • pjenness
    edited August 2016
    This interests me also.

    Im making an experience that starts in a shared space but players can go into other "rooms/areas"
    (kinda like altspace, or vtalk etc)

    Is that doable with photon cloud, or is dedicated server approach more applicable.

    I want to make a demo, prob jsut using cloud for now, and if success, move towards dedicated server.

    Do you have suggestions, or product/help ?


  • jeanfabre

    PhotonCloud is totally fine for this case. you won't need a dedicated server for allowing players to move from room to room.

    I would suggest using the chat sdk for allowing people to communicate while not in a room.


  • I'm trying to do something like this as well.
    Player starts game. Hits "Quick Play".
    Player joins or creates a 4 player room. (waiting room)
    When the room is full, an arena (another room) is loaded with the 4 connected players.

    The purpose would be to allow the 4 players to vote on an arena etc (example : Fun Run 2)

    I assumed this would be possible with PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel() . Is that not the case?
  • Hi,

    Your case would be slightly different actually.

    a Room is not a Unity Scene/level, its two totally distinct concepts and can be matched or not, so a room can be a scene, but a room can also be created without necessarly loading any scene, just enabling/disabling GameObject, or loading prefabs, etc etc.

    in your case, I would not leave room and indeed use synchronized level loading using PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel() .

    However, the process of leaving a room to join another is perfectly valid and make sense in other situations. For example in a waiting room, where you can be several players deciding to team up, you could be 16 or 20 players, creating teams of 4, once a team is created, a team leader is designated and leaves the room, to create the game room and fill the room with expectedUsers, other members of the team leave the waiting room and check friendlist for their team leader, and when that team leader is in a room, it means this is the room to join, it's already expecting you :)

    The second case is a lot more complex to implement, so prefer going for the first easy solution of scene loading synch.


  • Ah I see, I should have realized that :) Thanks!