How to make a Lobby Scene

So I have been looking everywhere and I can't seem to find any instance of Photon or Unity being able to handle a Lobby Scene where when connected to the server, the UI shows all the available rooms that have been created. At best I can find some random connection setups but nothing that list off all the rooms. This is a good example of what I am talking about
I mean maybe not as complex with its information requirements. maybe just: Name of room, Number of players, If it's Password Protected (which is something I don't know how to do)

I think it has something to do with PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList which I know is an array but I can't seem to write it out to be used.

I tried PhotonNetwork.countOfRooms but even after telling the server to make multiple rooms it only counts 0.

If anyone has any ideas that would be helpful.


  • jeanfabre

    It's totally possible indeed.

    PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList, but you need to catch OnReceivedRoomListUpdate and you need to be in a lobby, you could be connected to photon network but either not in the lobby or in a room.



  • jeanfabre said:

    PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList, but you need to catch OnReceivedRoomListUpdate and you need to be in a lobby, you could be connected to photon network but either not in the lobby or in a room.

    I made sure to already have Auto-join Lobby enabled and I also allready have:
    public void OnReceivedRoomListUpdate() {
            Debug.Log("room length : " + PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList().Length);
    I have 2 rooms spawned in:
    public void OnJoinedLobby(){
    		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom ("Room1");
    		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (null);
    and when I play in editor it only comes up as Room Length: 0.

    When I play in editor with a build already up, it shows Room Length: 1.

    So I am still lost.
  • jeanfabre

    Does it get corrected after a short while? or you never receive the OnReceivedRoomListUpdate to match the number of rooms actually created?


  • SamPav
    Just found this. I had the same problem once. You need to store the room list in a RoomInfo array.
    Example >
    RoomInfo [] roomz = PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList (); foreach (RoomInfo room in roomz) { print ( + room.playerCount)}

    This shows you how each of the room is named and how many players are in the particular room.
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2016
    Hi @SamPav,

    I don't think the following code is correct:
    public void OnJoinedLobby(){
    		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom ("Room1");
    		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (null);
    You can't have 2 consecutive join or create. Once you create a room successfully you will switch servers and join it.
  • jeanfabre

    Indeed, JohnTub is right, you should create the room, and then wait for the OnJoinedRoom() callback or within the frame update check for PhotonNetwork.InRoom flag.

