How do I properly setup per-player cameras?

Hey guys! I am having a small problem.
I recently setup multiplayer but the updating doesn't seem to be working. I setup photon view on the player and observed it's transform but it doesn't work.. I have 2 clients open, the unity inbuilt one, which updates perfectly. and the standalone which only updates itself (it's own player)


  • jeanfabre

    you'll likely got confused with some concepts for PUN.

    When you test in editor, do you have another instance running so that you can test with two players? this is an important verification process to make sure your scripts and network prefabs works well across the range of possible situation ( mainly when a prefab instance is representing the player, and when it represents other players).

    Else, can you describe what doesn't work? your desired behavior and what actually is happening? typically, you need to listen for the .isMine flag to enable disable features. For example, with the camera you only want the camera to follow the player instance where .isMine is true.

