Is there a Create a class script for the boot camp demo?

edited May 2011 in DotNet
Is there a Create a class script for the boot camp demo?


  • Boris
    Not sure I understand what kind of script that would be?
  • alzan
    I made a Create a class menu. The done button sends the gun number to a gameobject. message = "SelectGun" + gun; gun is 1 2 or 3. I need some help making this work with Photon Bootcamp Demo. So players can create a Class. The files are to big to send through this post.
  • Tobias
    So you would have to send the "SelectGun" message to others?
    I think we're still confused what you need to sync.
  • Boris
    In the bootcamp demo the weapon selection is stored as actor property: "W" + weapon Id.
    GunManager.Update selects the current weapon of the local player, and PlayerLocal.SetGunInfoRPC sends it to the server. PlayerRemote.SetProperties receives it from the server (from other players).
  • alzan
    Thanks i'll see if i can get it working.