Is there any minimum required connection speed or download speed?

Hello, I just wanna know if there's any required connection speed for a successful joining of a game server? We're testing our game and noticed that if the client's download speed is ~<=1mb, the client sends some Operation failed errors (I'll post here) and the game is not synced to all and if the client's download speed is >1mb (like 5-7mb), the client doesn't send any errors and the game runs well.

Here are the errors being logged:
"Operation failed: OperationResponse 226: ReturnCode: 32748 (User does not exist in this game). Parameters: {} Server: GameServer"
"Operation failed: OperationResponse 226: ReturnCode: 32746 (Join failed: UserId 'XXXXXXXXXX' already joined the specified game (JoinMode=3).). Parameters: {} Server: GameServer"
"Operation failed: OperationResponse 254: ReturnCode: -2 (Unknown operation code). Parameters: {} Server: MasterServer"

I'm not sure if we need to add checking for this or is it Photon that can not connects to our server cos of the client's connection speed.
