VR simple concept demo and base for simple dissociation from network prefab instance and visuals

Hi Everyone,

I just posted a new demo on github to demonstrate a technic that I feel is underestimated/unknown by many, given the feedback we get during support.

when you have a game that require a very different set of features for the owner of the instance and slaves, a good solution is to create a level of indirection and separate the network instance from the visuals/feature you want to expose to the player.

The concept is simple in itself, and so is it's implementation.

you can download the demo itself or clone the github rep.

This is great for VR, but not just, car games where your controls are always the same but the cars may be different, or you want to make totally different visuals depending on levels or game version/offsprings.

Make sure you check it out, and ask questions.

