Problems with ChatClient.cs and PhotonPeer.cs

I have such problem:
I use Unity3d v 5.3.2f1

After I updated Photon to last version (v. cloud build generate me such error:

[Unity] Assets/Plugins/PhotonChatApi/ChatClient.cs(32,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `IPhotonPeerListener' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
[Unity] Assets/Plugins/PhotonChatApi/ChatPeer.cs(20,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `PhotonPeer' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

I thought that this is my fault and created new project in Cloud Build, create new project in Unity3d and import last version of Photon there. Cloud build generates same error.

Any thoughts about it?


  • vadim

    This is probably not PUN but Photon Unity SDK (wrong forum?)
    Is there Photon3Unity3D.dll in Plugins folder of your project? How do you update? Replacing content of Assets with what you find in package PhotonAssets folder should be enough.
  • customProperties
    edited February 2016
    vadim said:


    This is probably not PUN but Photon Unity SDK (wrong forum?)
    Is there Photon3Unity3D.dll in Plugins folder of your project? How do you update? Replacing content of Assets with what you find in package PhotonAssets folder should be enough.


    I just do next steps:
    1. Create new Unity3d project;
    2. Push it to repository on bitbucket;
    3. Try to build project in Cloud Build;
    And till this step - everything is fine, I have succeed build;

    4. Import Photon Unity Networking pluging from assets store in Unity3d;
    5. Push it to my repo;
    6. Try to build project in Cloud Build;
    7. Have next error in Cloud Build's console:
    958: [Unity] Assets/Plugins/PhotonChatApi/ChatClient.cs(32,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `IPhotonPeerListener' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
    959: [Unity] Assets/Plugins/PhotonChatApi/ChatPeer.cs(20,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `PhotonPeer' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
  • vadim
    Does it work when building project locally?
  • Yes. Locally everything is fine.
    And before changis in v1.66 of Photon everything was OK at CloudBuild.
    (The folder "ChatApi" is now renamed to "PhotonChatApi")
    Maybe I have to do some changes at setting, but I need or documentation or help with it.
    Maybe they have the same library at newest version of Unity on Cloud Servers?
  • vadim
    Do you start from empty project when testing PUN 1.66?
    When problems arise after update, you need to make sure that nothing from previous build cached in project or in build cloud.
  • vadim said:

    Do you start from empty project when testing PUN 1.66?
    When problems arise after update, you need to make sure that nothing from previous build cached in project or in build cloud.

    Yes, I started from the new empty project.

    In old projects I cleared cache - it was useless.
  • This problem still actual.
    Any ideas how to fix it?
  • jeanfabre

    Currently looking into this, I'll get back to this thread when I have more news.


  • jeanfabre

    so, far I can't repro this, and I suspect your problem could be on what you ignore or not within your Github repository ( you are using git right?)

    so, have you tried to clear the build on the cloud that it rebuilds the cache, and it all cases, make sure you have a proper set of ignore rules for files you don't need to host in the repository.

    Let me know how it went. Else, maybe you could share that fresh project repository failing so that I can see exactly what's there and publish on my side an exact copy of it.

