onChanged callback not calling the other clients


We just have 2 players and when the second player/client joins-in and modifies the Networked property, onChanged is not calling all the players.

Please help us out with any leads about this issue


  • WBBB

    the same truble..

  • Hi @WBBB, not sure if applicable to your case but we found out the cause for our error. In our case, the Networked property that was being changed was on a different NetworkBehaviour which had its own StateAuthority. So basically we have an object, a ball, that we knew we had stateAuthority over, and we were changing the Networked property from this object's script. But, this property wasn't in this script but another script attached to an empty gameObject, as it was a manager of sorts. So when changing the property we had stateAuthority over the ball, but not the empty gameObject that actually contained the property. We fixed it by requesting stateAuthority before changing the property.