Turn based game

I am trying to find out the best tools, my game is a turn based with multiple players, kinda like Autochess or similar style of rooms where there are multiple players that plays in a turn based fashion against an authoritative server.

My question is if PUN is a good option for a turn game with autoritative server, how much freedom do I have on the backhand etc?

Thank you


  • Tobias
    PUN is not built with a server side plugin in mind. It defines several messages which are meant as client to client communication and reading those on the server means you have to decipher them first (by reading PUN's code).

    I would recommend using the plain Realtime API (LoadBalancingClient and related classes) directly.
  • develax

    At the same time, the Realtime Intro page says:

    The C# snippets on this page are not meant for Unity. For everything related to Unity we recommend using PUN 2 the first-class Unity product. Besides, PUN 2 is built on top of the Photon Realtime Unity API. The PUN 2 package contains Photon Realtime Unity SDK.

    So, which one is better for Unity turn based game?