SocketException: TimedOut

2 people are trying to SQL matchmake in our built game and we're receiving the following errors:
SocketException: TimedOut
SocketException: ConnectionReset

Photon version: 2.25
Photon library:
Unity version: 2020.1.11f1
Connection method: Photon Cloud (region: EU)
Scripting back-end: IL2CPP
API compatibility level: .NET Standard 2.0

Minimal reproduction steps:

1. Start Matchmaking with an SQL Typed Lobby and try to join it.
2. Create room when there are none. Join a random one with the MatchingType "MatchmakingMode.FillRoom".
3. Build your game in development mode & auto connect profiler turned on.

Why is this happening?

Thanks in advance!

- Maarten B.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Hi @Skittluier,

    If you are testing right now, there is an issue on EU and our team is working on it.
    Thank you for your understanding and patience!
    Keep an eye on Photon Cloud status on twitter or our status page for more updates.

    You could also try another region.

    Or what you are reporting could be completely unrelated especially if the disconnection happens after connecting to the name server and going to master server.
  • Skittluier
    edited February 2021
    Hi JohnTube,

    Thanks for the swift response! Do you have an estimation of resolving this issue?

    If it will be fixed tomorrow, I'll leave it is as it is. If not, then I'll indeed change the dev-region.

    EDIT: Nevermind, it seems that the Twitter page has been updated with the fix. Will tell you tomorrow if the issue is solved!