What happens when the server is down?

I am trying to search active rooms for my game at all servers, but when one server is down it looks like the Connect request just do not time out, so the game is stuck while accessing one server and not switching to the next one.

What are the correct actions here? What response should I get when the server is down? It is not easy to debug as they are not down often :)


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @ufnv.

    PLease eloborate on what you mean when you say "all servers". Are you referring to all entries in the list of available regions that you have received from the name server on connect to Photon Cloud?

    I am very sure that connect requests in fact do time out. The default client side timeout for when it can't reach a server is 10 seconds, but you can adjust it in the APIs. Maybe you have just increased it a lot in the past to avoid timeouts during debugging and forgot about it later?

    When a server is not reachable, the Client will throw a time out disconnect error.
    It is not easy to debug as they are not down often
    Just connect to an address for which you know that no Photon server is running there, like some random URL, when you want to test how the client behaves when it can't reach a photon server on a certain address.
  • ufnv
    PLease eloborate on what you mean when you say "all servers". Are you referring to all entries in the list of available regions that you have received from the name server on connect to Photon Cloud?
    Correct. I first get the list or regions, then connect to them one by one and get the list of available rooms from them.
    The default client side timeout for when it can't reach a server is 10 seconds, but you can adjust it in the APIs. Maybe you have just increased it a lot in the past to avoid timeouts during debugging and forgot about it later?
    Thanks, good suggestion, will check if this is the case.

    And will try the "random url" tip for debugging.