Multiple Rooms

Hi Everyone,

Quick question. Is it possible for a client to be in multiple photon rooms at once?



  • Tobias
    In the default server logic, it's not possible.

    You could create your own logic and allow a player to join multiple rooms. You will need to extend some operations to include the "target" room-id and the events should get a "origin" room id (if needed).

    Keep in mind that we separated the rooms completely. They don't interact directly but only through messages.
  • Hi Tobias,

    Thanks for responding to me. Basically the idea is to have the ability to "see" people from multiple rooms - what exactly do I need to extend to achieve this?

  • dreamora
    That sounds more like you don't really want to use PUN and Loadbalancing at all but use the regular Photon Instance -> MMO + the Unity Photon SDK to make use of it as it sounds like you try to replicate what interest areas do in a very dirty and 'overhead hit' way using rooms
  • Tobias
    Seeing players from multiple rooms? To use rooms like some interest area?

    Dreamora is right (thanks again, for helping, btw):
    If you want interest management, rooms are not the way to go. Rooms should be separate as much as possible. They are not built to communicate well.
    On the other hand, the MMO logic is quite complex and could overwhelm inexperienced developers.

    You should take a look at the MMO solution in the server SDK. If you feel at home: Excellent. If not, go back to the rooms and implement your own interest management inside a single room. Make sure to NOT send join and leave events to everyone and use the Peer where operations are not affecting everyone. Make sure only a select set of players get updates of anyone else.