not working

I built a Photon voice demo scene( PUN 2) for android but the audio is not coming. but the scene is listening to the user. I also tried to add Photon classic along with my pun2 multiplayer. it crashing my unity project. I am using unity 2019.3.13f1. I have successfully used Photon voice 6 months back. Could you fix this?


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Sahadha777,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    Let's tackle each issue separately and go one by one.
    I built a Photon voice demo scene( PUN 2) for android but the audio is not coming. but the scene is listening to the user.
    you built PunDemoScene w/o changes right? in a fresh clean empty project?

    What does "the scene is listening to the user" mean?

    What does "audio is not coming" mean?
    You tested using two clients? or Android alone?
    Does DebugVoice work (you hear yourself/your echo? Recorder.DebugEchoMode)?
    What icons do you see on top of the avatars/characters?
    Android client can hear other(s) or not?
    Android client can be heard or not?

    Does this work in Unity Editor with DebugVoice (Recorder.DebugEchoMode)?
    Does this work in a standalone build with DebugVoice (Recorder.DebugEchoMode)?
    Does this work between Unity Editor and a standalone build?
    I also tried to add Photon classic along with my pun2 multiplayer. it crashing my unity project.
    PUN Classic and PUN 2 should not be imported in the same project. This is not supported and this is not recommended. PUN Classic is deprecated. Use PUN 2 instead always. Why do you even need PUN Classic if you have PUN 2? and by the way Photon Voice 2 already includes PUN 2 so you only need to import Photon Voice 2.