How to get CustomPlayerProperties?

Hey all, I'm trying to load a weapon in over multiplayer using customplayerproperties. Here's the steps im following to do it:
1) On join, set the players customplayerproperties to a splittable string containing our weapon.

2) Then, get our views properties (not our photonnetwork.player's, our view. This is because the script isnt disabled for other players, so it'll get their properties too)

3) split that string, and load in the prefabs and parent it to the hand bone and such

I'm having an issue with step two, as sometimes it gets the properties, and sometimes it only gets the first player's weapons. I'm assuming this happens because the player's properties haven't sent yet. Is there a way around this? I got suggested the OnPhotonPlayerPropertiesChanged(), but this might trigger weapon loading when someone, say, gets a kill. Is there a way around it?
