[Solved] Cant Connect To Server!

edited November 2011 in Photon Server
I can connect to server which is running on my computer via calling peer.Connect("localhost:5055"); .
And it worked since the first time I started to use Photon. But recently, as my project process passes it's progress half line,
I've subscribed a virtual server that is provided with installation of Windows 2008 server(32bit).

And then,

I copied my Photon project(whole folder include deploy) and my client's Unity web build.
Of course I DID changed IP address to join. But the function ".Connect("ipadress:port")" doesn't work!!!

I cant figure out what did i do wrong. And below is all i did after I got my virtual server.

1. Added Application Server role from Server Manager.
2. The IIS was already installed so I skipped it.
3. Copied server and client file to virtual server (Server to background screen and client to IIS homepage folder)
4. Client didn't work because of MIME problem. So I added .unity3d to MIME setting.
5. I installed .Net framework 4.0
6. Set firewall exception to ports both 5055, 4530(I didn't sure which one if used for TCP, so I opened both TCP, UDP)
7. Changed server address in my client and tried to join.

BUT FAILD!!! I NEED HELP!. Thx and sry for my poor English


  • Hi, here are my default troubleshooting steps - in most cases, something is wrong with configurations or firewalls and the like. So watch out for the following pitfalls:

    1.) Double check that Photon is running. Look out for the PhotonSocketServer.exe process in task manager, check the most recent /deploy/bin_XXX/PhotonInstance-xxx.log file.
    2.) Verify that Photon is listening on the correct ports / IPs. (Use "netstat -a" from the command line to see if something is listening on the IP / Ports you expect).
    3.) Try if you can connect from "localhost": try to run your web build on the server and see if it works there. If it does, then you need to double check the firewall.

    If all these steps succeed and you need further help, let us know.

    PS: TCP is 4530 and UDP is 5055. As you use a Unity Web build, you also need to open port 843 (TCP) for policy requests.
  • Thank you for your reply Nicole!!

    That was helpful. My problem is almost solved!

    The only one left is that I still cant connect to the server on the unity web player which is uploaded to My web server.

    But I can connect from the web player which is in my computer and unity's debug mode.

    I'm searching for the problem! Any advises possible?
  • locus84 wrote:
    The only one left is that I still cant connect to the server on the unity web player which is uploaded to My web server.

    But I can connect from the web player which is in my computer and unity's debug mode.
    If your Photon instance is running on a network behind a router, make sure you are port forwarding to the right machine: http://www.portforward.com/
  • heathcliff/ The site was very helpful!!!

    I checked it and I found A port is closed by the hosting company!

    Ty for help, now I can go on into my project!

    VIVA photon!
  • Glad to hear that it's working now. Good luck for your project!