PhotonView Does Not Exist - but it does

Hello, I did some digging on this issue and found a few similar threads but didn't find a solution that really fits with what I'm trying to do.

I have an RPC Call, that runs when a new scene starts.

[code2=csharp]if(FireSimLogic.localPlayerID == FireSimLogic.battallionChiefID){
myPV.RPC ("SpawnFires",PhotonTargets.AllBuffered);[/code2]

And when I run that the non-chief users get the error:
Received RPC xx for viewID 147 but this PhotonView does not exist!

This happens with all of the objects of this type that I placed manually and have a PhotonView on them. They have unique id's across each other, and I checked in the inspector, and for the players receiving that error, they do in fact have that photon ID on one of the objects.

Is there some sort of issue with manually placing objects with photonviews? I need them to be specific sizes and scales so they can proceduraly generate some of the other content, and it would be horrible to make these objects proceduraly generate themselves just to fix this issue.

Thank you very much!


  • Tobias
    It seems you are talking about objects in the scene?
    Then timing might be your problem. Maybe the GOs are not all loaded and setup before the RPC arrives and gets executed.
    If so, make sure you set PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning = false before you load the scene. That should make sure you can fully load the scene and initialize all game objects (loaded with the scene) before PUN executes incoming RPCs.
  • I will definitely try that out. Thank you very much, Tobias.
  • mteagle
    17/2/2020 :))) thank you so much for helping me out