Get Regions and their Pings


I have seen some games with Photon Bolt let the user select the Region before trying to join a session, usually so the player can try to find a session somewhere (in case the a region doesn't have a high CCU). I was thinking in automatize it: get a list of the best regions ordered by the smallest ping and loop through them to check which has good sessions to join. However, I'm afraid this could lead the players to concentrate in one region. So design wise this may not be a good solution. Just wondering if anyone has done it and if it is possible to get a list of regions and their current pings.

Thank you


  • stanchion
    CCU includes all regions together, not sure what you’re trying to do.
  • Cronos
    I am thinking in switching Regions during the game if no session is found in a certain region. But for that, I would jump to the 2nd best region (2nd best ping). I imagine the "Best Region" does something similar internally to select the region with best ping. So I was wondering if Photon API expose a function that returns a list of regions and their most recent ping.
  • stanchion
    Here's some code the includes pinging a bunch of Photon regions manually. Don't stick this in a project as it won't compile, but it should have everything you need.
  • Cronos
    Sweet. Thank you!