OnJoinRoomFailed with Unity Standalone Build for matching UserID?


So this is weird. I am using Playmaker and Photon and I can't seem to Join room when I am testing with Unity Editor and a Standalone Unity Mac build. No matter who creates the room first, the next one to try to Join room gets the OnJoinRoomFailed event called and the log stops here:

PhotonNetwork.NetworkClientState changed from 'Authenticating' to 'ConnectedToMaster'
HutongGames.PlayMaker.Pun2.PlayMakerPhotonProxy:Update_connectionStateWatcher() (at Assets/PlayMaker PUN 2/Scripts/PlayMakerPhotonProxy.cs:571)
HutongGames.PlayMaker.Pun2.PlayMakerPhotonProxy:Update() (at Assets/PlayMaker PUN 2/Scripts/PlayMakerPhotonProxy.cs:556)

So I went and checked the JoinedRoomFailed message from the Photon Proxy and it says " oin failed: UserId 'useridhere' already joined the specified game (JoinMode=1)".

So I don't know how this is possible because I am only joining rooms once on each Unity Editor and Standalone Mac build. What is going wrong here? Seems like both Client are the same but there are from different devices (test platforms), is that possible?



  • jrDev

    I solved this.

    First off, I am using Playfab and Photon together and I am logging into Playfab with SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier as Custom Id; not realizing that the Device Unique Id doesn't change between Unity Editor build and Standalone build. Which meant they both were trying to join room with same UserId. So I removed this and connections started to work with Joining room. Hope this helps someone!
