Readonly property for WebGL, bug? or?

Fresh install of Photon Bolt in Unity 2018.3.11f

In Assets/Plugins/PhotonWebGL/SocketWebTcp.cs

Indeed, in Photon3Unity3D.dll

not sure how to proceed from here, any help is appreciated


  • stanchion
    Bolt doesn't yet support WebGL. You can delete the PhotonWebGL if it is causing any issues.
  • stanchion said:

    Bolt doesn't yet support WebGL. You can delete the PhotonWebGL if it is causing any issues.

    Ah that's a shame, I need WebGL support :(

    Will PUN allow me to make my real time first person arena shooter project just fine as well? I imagine so but just checking
  • stanchion
    Yes PUN will work fine
  • stanchion said:

    Yes PUN will work fine

    Thank you so much for settings me on the correct path here