Leave room callback OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected(PhotonPlayer player)

Hi !
I have a big problem. Until 2 days ago everything was fine , but now , i have a problem with my game. When round is over , i call "PhotonNetwork.LeaveRoom()" and then both "OnLeftRoom()" and "OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected(PhotonPlayer player)" it's called . Why ?

Thank you!


  • Tobias
    I assume that you somewhere also call Disconnect. LeaveRoom should not call OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected() on the client that leaves.

    You must have changed something. The server and PUN's code didn't.
    In doubt, log something in those methods and have a look at the callstack. You might find out why the callbacks are called.
  • Cipic
    No , i never call Disconnect. I make a button who call LeaveRoom() and both OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected() and OnLeftRoom() is called. My code worked very well before , but now ( without modifying it) i have this problem.
  • Cipic
    I opened a much older version of the game and the same thing happens :|
  • Tobias
    Are you saying this happened all the time and is not a new phenomenon after all?
    I am lost. Do you need more help or are you handling it?