Set up from Scratch

I am new to Photon Turn based.
Can someone post me simple steps to setup a room where 4-5 players can join. (With GUI).

Modified code from Memory Game (I am learning with that as reference)
[code2=csharp]public class GameClient : MonoBehaviour{

private LoadBalancingClient client;
public string AppID;
public int expectedMaxPlayers = 5;
void Start()
client = new LoadBalancingClient();

// "app-eu" is the European region. port 5055 for UDP (default).
client.MasterServerAddress = "";
client.AppId = AppID; // edit this!
JoinRandom ();


void Update()
Debug.Log (client.CurrentRoom.Name);
//Debug.Log (client.CurrentRoom.Players.Count);

public void CreateTurnbasedRoom()
string newRoomName = string.Format("{0}-{1}", "Room1", Random.Range(0,1000).ToString("D4")); // for int, Random.Range is max-exclusive!
Debug.Log(string.Format("CreateTurnbasedRoom(): {0}", newRoomName));

RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions()
MaxPlayers = 2,
//CustomRoomPropertiesForLobby = new string[] { PropTurn, PropNames },
PlayerTtl = int.MaxValue,
EmptyRoomTtl = 5000
client.OpCreateRoom(newRoomName, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default);
void JoinRandom()
Debug.Log (client.CurrentRoom.Name);

void OnGUI()
GUI.Box(new Rect(200,100,500,500),"This is it ");

Basically I am trying to create a Lobby with a list of rooms. I realize that I have created a room and joined it by default.

But when I debug the players count it shows 0. At the same time it says im in Room1.

Goal: When I launch the player I need a Room list and an option to create or join rooms. Please help me set up this base connection. It will be helpful.

Thank you


  • Tobias
    JoinRandom ();

    This won't work.
    Connect establishes a connection with another machine. This takes a moment to setup and due to that, this is a process. You need to wait until this finishes.

    We don't have a proper demo for the room lists in Turnbased but as the features and workflow are identical for Turnbased and Realtime, please take a look at the "Demo LoadBalancing" (folder demo-loadbalancing-unity). This has a room list in DemoGUI class. See OnGUILobby().
    It will also be a good example how to connect, get into a lobby and create rooms. With GUI.
  • HI, Thank you for the headsup.

    I was looking into the script and found this.
    if (GUILayout.Button("Create", GUILayout.Width(150)))
                this.GameInstance.OpJoinRandomRoom(null, 0);

    I am confused there, because from the documentation online says OpCreateRoom() to create a room?

    *EDIT - I got it working, I realized that the Master Server doesn't work When I change it to from

    Also in the Gameplay section of tutorial, the explanation for Send and Recieving messages/events across the players is not sufficient. I set up GUI using the loadbalancing demo and memory demo. I have established connection. Now I wnat to send data across the players, update data etc.
  • Hey I figured almost all the issues I mentioned.

    The demoscene we should check is from the sandbox project. I figured out everything completely and to answer my question if someone else reads this. The answer is RoomInfoList from loadbalancing. Check out the sandbox demo and u will learn hwo to use it.
  • Tobias
    Thanks for the update and cool you could figure out everything.