Unity3D and Photon

None of the tutorials are helping me, way too much code to sort though. I don't really know which photon files i'm supposed to copy to unity, all I want to do is have a room that instantiates a new player every time it is loaded.


  • The marco polo tutorial gives you enough to do that. You just need to use the relevant sections. For simple setup it gives you a link to the vikings demo, and you can import the photon unity networking folder there.

    Then go down to the "starting from scratch" section, and they walk through how to create a lobby and join a room.

    Networking takes a lot of code. So if it's something you're getting into you shouldn't be expecting the programming/code for it to be super easy and straight forward compared to local code, especially if you're new to networking.
  • Tobias
    For PUN v1.22 we re-organized the package. If you skip the "Demos" folder and import anything else, you should get a pretty clean PUN version into your project.

    If you're still stuck, please let us know.