Players cant see eachother (Photon Cloud)

Hi again,

I have been setting up Photon with my game, but after I PhotonNetwork.Instantiate them, they cant see eachother. I cant seem to figure it out. At first, I thought it was because of loading scenes, so I used the PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning = false; per the tutorial while the main scene is loading, but the issue is still there.

One strange thing is I get this warning upon loading the main scene:

OnDestroy for PhotonView View (0)2001 on PlayerPrefab(Clone) but GO is still in instantiatedObjects. instantiationId: 2001. Use PhotonNetwork.Destroy(). Identical with this: True PN.Destroyed called for this PV: True

This shows up right after the instantiation of the players, but no players are being destroyed that early, so not really sure what is happening. Both players see their character on their screen and can move around, etc, but they cant see eachother.

Any ideas?

If it helps, the players join a scene together that allows them to see who is in the room, etc. In this scene - I get no errors and the players can see eachother's names. However, once the level loads after a countdown, I get the above error and players can no longer see eachother.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


  • Ah actually I figured it out. The network was teleporting me far away and then the game would insta kill my character for being outside the boundary lol :)
  • Tobias
    Hehe, thats' a new one for me :)
    Glad you found it!