A few notes about Marco Polo tutorial...

Attempted tutorial in Unity 4 a few days ago. FYI:

1) The Monster asset is now out of sync with the tutorial. It still has the referenced scripts packaged up, but now has different scripts for control/camera attached by default.

2) The instructions for modifying the JS don't include velocity modification and what you end up with doesn't work. Comparing to the C# is difficult because it looks like a different approach was taken.

3) Animations on the viking had to be reattached, not sure if this was a packaging error.


  • Tobias
    Thanks for the feedback.
    I hope I can revisit the tutorial early next year to get it updated.
    If you are stuck somewhere, let us know and we can talk about it.
  • Tobias
    I took a look at the packaged monster and the tutorial and now remember why this got out of sync in the first place:

    The myThirdPersonController is a UnityScript file and when that's referenced, the whole PUN "Plugins" has to be moved into the root folder of the project. Otherwise, the UnityScript won't recognize the CSharp scripts of PUN. But we didn't want to make our Asset Store package import more than one folder (not sure if that's even possible).
    I might update the tutorial at some point to reflect this but then it's no longer based on the Monster package from the Asset Store (which has no CSharp controller script).

    2) "It doesn't work" ... in which way?
    2b) Velocity is not needed, cause we just adjust the position of the Monster. If we didn't lerp it, the Monster would just "jump" from one position update to another. No velocity is used in this tutorial.

    3) This seems to be a Unity 4 issue with project updates. At the moment, I don't know any workaround.
  • Hi Tobias,

    Thanks for taking a look! It feels like ages since I played around with the tutorial. Re 2), IIRC I tried to just type in the code examples directly from the PDF, but basically the scripts it was referring to on the Monster were no longer attached by default, and when I looked at the pre-packaged (final) demo with code attached, it used a different method for adjusting monster position than the code adjustments was described in the PDF. It was just confusing that the PDF seemed to recommend code modifications that didn't match up with what was provided in the pre-configured demo. I can take another look later and clarify this if you're interested.

  • Tobias
    I hope I can find some time to adjust the tutorial. As said: Moving it into the PUN package, the scripts collided and I had to replace them or refactor everything. In neither case, it would fit the written tutorial :(
    Everything should be OK, when you follow the tutorial step by step and code it yourself. But then again: Even the Monster package was updated and might not be the same as before.
    Definitely needs an update.