I cannot select Launcher.Connect() in the inspector field OnClick?

Hello, I'm new to Photon. I'm trying to get the basic tutorial working for my project. I've forced my Launcher.cs class to inherit from Photon.PunBehaviour as per the tutorial. However in the inspector, I cannot select the Connect() method! Is there something wrong with the tutorial or have I done something wrong?


  • BraineeeeDev
    edited May 2017
    Nevermind. I was a little too quick to start, did not realize that the example showing the Photon.PunBehaviour was being inherited by an example class, instead of the Launcher class. I thought that was part of the tutorial.

    [edit] I think its also worth mentioning that I had dragged my play button on to the field, instead of the Launcher script attached to it, heh.