how to limit user trafic, interpolate positions etc?

hi, i have some questions :
1) how to know when we need to upgrade plan ? is there a message for excedding user like "server full, you are in a queue at position X" ? is there tools in unity too limit trafic or is it automatic according to the choosen plan?
2) how to interpolate positions to reduces messages?


  • snekjar
    another question : how many app by plan? can i have for exemple 3 games with different CCU, while the sum don't exceed plan limitation or one plan per app?
  • Kurtav
    Kurtav ✭✭
    2) how to interpolate positions to reduces messages?
    In the PUN it is already implemented ))
    fraction = fraction + Time.deltaTime * 9;
    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(onUpdatePos, latestCorrectPos, fraction);
    + fraction zeroed when we receive new postion from the network

    It ("OnPhotonSerializeView") transmits 10 positions instead of 60 positions per second.
    Between each position, smoothing is performed (additional points are drawn in the segment of the Lerpa between two points). Approximately 6 frames draw 6 points.