Having issues reconnecting. "Actor with number 0 not found"

We are using PlayFab custom auth, so everyone has UserId's and such.

The player gets disconnected. We reconnect with ReconnectAndReJoin() if not connected to Photon, or ReJoinRoom(roomName) if connected.

We're getting the error "Actor with number 0 not found".

This is also strange because it seems that the 1st actor/ID assigned is 1 (not 0).

A few bonus questions:
1. Is there a callback that shows when a player is initially disconnected, but still waiting on TTL before "officially" disconnected?
2. What is the default TTL? EDIT: I realized I didn't set this room option. This is probably the answer.
3. Curious, why does ReJoinRoom() ask for roomName and ReconnectAndRejoin() does not?



  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Hi @xblade724,

    Good bonus questions :)

    1. From PUN v1.81 changelogs:
    Added: Callback OnPhotonPlayerActivityChanged. Called when a remote Photon Player activity changed. This will be called ONLY is PlayerTtl is greater than 0. Check PhotonPlayer.IsInactive for the player.

    2. Default is 0. Rejoin is possible only when PlayerTTL != 0.
    3. ReconnectAndRejoin is meant to be used for quick rejoin when you get an unexpected disconnect or when the app moves to and back from background. PUN cashes game server IP and room name internally.