Lots of problems with PUN!

1) RoomInfo.Equals is returning a null reference exception. According to C# docs this should not happen.
2) Rotorz reorderable list is not in the Photon namespace. According to the Rotorz usage guide, this should be in its own namespace. ie. Photon.Rotorz.
3) Many Photon objects are not in namespaces.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @rafael_at_jags,

    1) Could you please describe the issue.
    2) I can't see the issue here.
    3) This is optional and possible starting from PUN 1.82:

    Added: Optional Namespace usage for all of PUN. There is an option in the PhotonServerSettings inspector to enable it by setting a compile define. Be aware that you will get a lot of errors when you enable this. All of those can be fixed by using the namespace: ExitGames.Client.Photon
  • 1) The issue is that RoomInfo.Equals is throwing a null reference exception which should never happen. My guess is that the RoomInfo name property it's comparing is actually null and is invoking string.Equals on a null instance which is causing the exception.
    2) The issue is that by not following Rotorz usage guide I am getting errors in my own project when I imported Rotorz.
    3) Good to know. Didn't know that was a thing.
  • rafael_at_jags
    edited May 2017
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    1) please provide code snippet of what you are doing.
    2) we are not going to change anything regarding this. @Tobias can confirm.
  • rafael_at_jags
    1) This is the code snippet I'm using:

    if (!PhotonNetwork.inRoom) { return; } PhotonNetwork.room.maxPlayers = _maxPlayers + 1;

    2) Can you explain your decision for this?

    This is what it says on the Rotorz bitbucket page, under "Submission to the Asset Store".

    "Change the namespace Rotorz.ReorderableList to something unique and DO NOT use the name "Rotorz". For example, YourName.ReorderableList or YourName.Internal.ReorderableList."
  • rafael_at_jags
  • Tobias
    1) I don't know how you got a RoomInfo with out a Name but we will have a look and fix this.
    2) You can fix this at the moment (code is open). We will add namespaces for PUN in a new version. As this one is internal, we should be able to introduce it without breaking change anyways.
    3) We will add a namespace for PUN in a bigger, breaking update. Can't say yet when it's ready to get a release (as a separate package).