PhotonStatsGui [ GUI.DragWindow() ]

Hi everybody ! :)

I add the script PhotonStatsGui to my player , and it's work perfectly when 1 client is connect !
But if i connect another client , the method "GUI.DragWindow()" work just one time, and lock the position on the window
So i can move the window juste once, and the drag method don't want to work anymore :/

Someone know how can i fixe it ?

Thx ! Have a good day! :)


  • Hi @redskry,

    the PhotonStatsGui is not designed to be attached to a game object having already a PhotonView component attached itself. Means that you should avoid using a PhotonView component and the PhotonStatsGui on the same object. Furthermore the PhotonStatsGui can be simply attached to a non-networking game object, e.g. to the MainCamera.

    if you still want to attach it to a 'PhotonView-Object' (not recommended) you have to add the following code to the beginning of the Start, Update and OnGUI function of the PhotonStatsGui script:
    if (!GetComponent<PhotonView>().isMine)