Destroy scene object by other client (Not Master)

I have some trouble with Scene object,
-i use a Spawn system to create Scene object (monster)
-I know that scene object can be destroy exclusively by the master client cause the ownsership of a scene object is the master

so , how can i do if a other client killed a monster ? is it possible to transfer the ownership of a sceneobject to a other client ?
I read the basic tutorial of PUN to transfer ownership but i don't really understand how it's work and how to do that ...:/

Maybe , my spawn system is not the good way ?

Thx for helping !
Have a good day :D !


  • OneManArmy
    Hi, you can send RPC to master.
    But why don't you simply apply damage? Master will check health and destroy.
  • redskry
    Yes it can be a good way ! But i found a other simple solution
    I will use the "pick up" system by the demo to create mob and respawn, and just change de system to according with my project ! :)
    Mob are not create by the master by this way , i can use the respawn item system
    I think it's the best solution no?