Finding the same scene object on all clients?


is it possible for scene objects that are already placed in editor to be synchronized over the network? what i want to do right now is when my player grabs an object, that object is passed to some manager in my game, and i would like that same object to be passed to the manager on the remote clients, but i can't just pass it in an RPC call because the class is too heavy to serialize ( i need the transform and all the complex stuff that would make a message way too heavy )... and i can't use Unity instance IDs because they're just not the same from one client to another ( not sure about that but mostly...)

Can I put a photonview on the (already spawned) object so that I can just fetch it on every client by using a view ID or something like it? if i have to PhotonNetwork.Instanciate every object that i want to be able to get on all clients, it's going to be a real pain...

oh yeah and last detail, i disabled PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScenes because i use asynchronous loading to load multiple scenes and have some fancy loading screens on top, and this didn't work very well with the automaticallySyncScene set to true... but now i'm afraid that photon views on scene objects won't get synced because of that...