QueueIncomingReliableWarning and GameObject.Find

Hey all, I would like some advice as to how to resolve this issue I am encountering:

Recently, I updated the game's code to have standard room joining and hosting (so player is in lobby, they can create a room to host or they can find a room to join and play).

When a player joins a game, whether host or player, they change scenes. One of the gameObjects that instantiates over network is the GameManager, and we're using the GM to find the various other gameObjects to make our game work.

It was all fine before I integrated the aforementioned dynamic room host/join. As of now, host can create their rooms, join, and all is well. However, if a player wants to join that room, they would go in, load, and for the lack of better words, almost complete the process of setting things up. The GM, using GameObject.Find for the various things, would find most but not all necessary gameObjects, which wasn't an issue before (and I know, this is probably the worst way of going about it but we're on a timeline and we're all about getting results first before optimization. :X)

In the console, I saw how the message QueueIncomingReliableWarning was popping up before the GM would awake. I've encountered the message time and again but it never did much before besides some framerate drops. However, I am beginning to suspect that it could be interfering with the GM in its process of finding the gameObjects now. Am I wrong?

This wasn't an issue for the players before I updated the code. As reference, how we were loading in was ConnectingToMaster -> player is in a scene, they pick an avatar and join game -> JoinLobby() -> OnJoinLobby() -> CreateOrJoinRoom(...) -> OnJoinRoom...

As you can see, I had to update the code so it wasn't that flow that preventing room listings and whatnot. We weren't even in the lobby at all. However, for whatever reason, the game was working fine off of that. Now that the flow is this:
ConnectingToMaster -> JoinLobby() -> OnJoinLobby() -> player is in a scene, they pick an avatar, choose to host or join, overhead coroutine cycle checking for room lists and availability -> CreateRoom if host, JoinRoom is player -> OnJoinRoom...

Players can join the room but some things would be janky.

My apologies for the long post, I wanted to make sure it was as detailed as possible. If anyone can lend some advice for what I should be looking for in regards to why the GM is not finding some of the gameObjects anymore after changing how the players are joining rooms, please do tell. I spent the majority of the last two days on this. Best and cheers,
