Stopping Multiple Players Collecting Same Powerup


I have just started using PUN, I have run through the Basics Tutorial and the ExitGames Tutorial so far.

My questions relates to 2 players managing to pick up a power up when only one of them should be able to. Imagine both players start an equal distance away and run directly towards a power up, both of them will think they have picked up the powerup.

What is the recommended way for preventing or handling this edge case?

I am making a real time PvP mobile game, 4 players per arena.

Initial thoughts include:

Master Client Authoritative
Basing my architecture on a masterclient authoritative approach, so all inputs are sent to the master client, simulated and then positions and triggers etc are sent to all the clients.

* The client would not have any of their own logic to say they picked up a power up, it wouldn't activate until the master client tells them they collected it and the master would only tell a single user they got it.
* It might help prevent cheating (as only master client would be able to modify movement speed etc). This is quite appealing to me... If the game is popular as I hope it will be, cheating will become a concern.

* This would increase latency which I don't think is a great idea for mobile connections. Instead of:

Client -> Server -> OtherClients

we now have:

Client -> Server -> MasterClient -> Server -> AllClients

* Increased complexity? If anyone has any resources on this I'd love to see them.

"Wind Back Time"
Once I somehow figure out multiple players picked up the same power, take it away from all but the player I deem to be the "correct" one.

This would likely rely on me sending an RPC to the master client every time a player picked up a powerup, if they received more than one RCP about the same powerup, send an RCP back telling them they didn't actually pick it up. This check could possibly be run on the master client and RPCs sent out.

Pros: Simpler than MasterClient Authoritative setup above...
Cons: Player might feel cheated if they were awarded it and then it was taken away.

Do nothing?
Just let both players have the power up. Not accurate, but at least no one feels hard done by.

Thoughts? :)

