player movement & photon voice demo..

I have photon voice demo running with photon server..I have kinect v2 driving my player avatar on the server machine it works ok but the avatars body movement is just static on the player 2 machine (T pose). What do I need to do to see the avatar body movements on both machines? I can see rotation and position components but I want full player movement to be reflected on both machines. Is this complex to achieve?



  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @alex_evp,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    I cannot understand what you are asking.
    What do you mean by "avatar", "T pose"?
    What machines are you referring to by "both machines"?
  • alex_evp
    sorry by 'avatar' I just mean the 3d character I am using, the character moves on player 1 screen but is just static on player 2 screen.. (stuck in the t-pose).. both machines I just meant player 1 & player 2 pc's

  • alex_evp
    t-pose is just arms raised to the sides :)
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    The question is rather about synchronizing character movement in PUN.
    I will move this discussion to PUN category.
    In Voice Demo if you just changed the input logic to use the Kinect input then it should work out of the box. The synchronization is handled using PhotonView attached to the character prefab.
    Here is the documentation page about this.