Op failed, OpResponse: 226, ReturnCode: 32758 (Game does not exist) - I check if player is connected

I'm trying to make 5 players join the same room, I've used "PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom()" some players join but other receive this error "Operation failed: OperationResponse 226: ReturnCode: 32758 (Game does not exists)." I've been searching for awhile and i added the "OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed()" but still nothing.

As you can see i'm checking first if player is connected on MasterServer also making sure he joined a lobby even in other part of the same game i didn't do that but just for making sure nothing wrong.

Please any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

void Awake() { if (!PhotonNetwork.connected) { PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings("0.1"); } else { OnConnectedToMaster(); } } void OnConnectedToMaster() { PhotonNetwork.JoinLobby(); } // Use this for initialization void Start () { // other stuff } // Update is called once per frame void Update(){ if (!PhotonNetwork.connected) { danteSubmit.interactable = houdiniSubmit.interactable = mystiqueSubmit.interactable = blaineSubmit.interactable = copperfieldSubmit.interactable = false; } else if (PhotonNetwork.room == null) { if (PhotonNetwork.lobby == null) { PhotonNetwork.JoinLobby(); } danteSubmit.interactable = houdiniSubmit.interactable = mystiqueSubmit.interactable = blaineSubmit.interactable = copperfieldSubmit.interactable = true; } if (PhotonNetwork.room != null) { state.text = "In room " + PhotonNetwork.room.Name + ", Players: " + PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount; if (PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount == 5) { SceneManager.LoadScene("TourPlayGround"); } } } public void Submit(string chosenRoom) { room = chosenRoom.ToUpper(); switch (chosenRoom) { case "dante": GameManager.roomChosen = GameManager.tournamentRooms.DANTE; state.text = "Trying to C/J DANTE"; //GameManager.PlayerChips -= 500; //PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("DANTE", new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5, PublishUserId = true }, TypedLobby.Default); break; case "houdini": GameManager.roomChosen = GameManager.tournamentRooms.HOUDINI; state.text = "Trying to C/J HOUDINI"; //GameManager.PlayerChips -= 1000; //PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("HOUDINI", new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5, PublishUserId = true }, TypedLobby.Default); break; case "mystique": GameManager.roomChosen = GameManager.tournamentRooms.MYSTIQUE; state.text = "Trying to C/J MYSTIQUE"; //GameManager.PlayerChips -= 2000; //PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("MYSTIQUE", new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5, PublishUserId = true }, TypedLobby.Default); break; case "blaine": GameManager.roomChosen = GameManager.tournamentRooms.BLAINE; state.text = "Trying to C/J BLAINE"; //GameManager.PlayerChips -= 5000; //PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("BLAINE", new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5, PublishUserId = true }, TypedLobby.Default); break; case "copperfield": GameManager.roomChosen = GameManager.tournamentRooms.COPPERFIELD; state.text = "Trying to C/J COPPERFIELD"; //GameManager.PlayerChips -= 10000; //PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("COPPERFIELD", new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5, PublishUserId = true }, TypedLobby.Default); break; } PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom(room); print("[TourRooms] You've chosen " + room); } void OnCreatedRoom() { print("[TourRooms] Created a room... " + PhotonNetwork.room.Name); createdByMe = true; PhotonNetwork.playerName = "1"; print("[TourRooms] PhotonNetwork.player.UserId... " + PhotonNetwork.player.UserId); print("[TourRooms] PhotonNetwork.playerName... " + PhotonNetwork.playerName); } void OnJoinedRoom() { if (!createdByMe) { print("[TourRooms] Joined a room... " + PhotonNetwork.room.Name); PhotonNetwork.playerName = PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount.ToString(); print("[TourRooms] PhotonNetwork.player.UserId... " + PhotonNetwork.player.UserId); } danteSubmit.interactable = houdiniSubmit.interactable = mystiqueSubmit.interactable = blaineSubmit.interactable = copperfieldSubmit.interactable = false; } void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed() { print("[TourRooms] No room found!"); PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(room, new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = 5, PublishUserId = true }, TypedLobby.Default); }


  • artourky
    I've fixed the "OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed" and still got the same error and also another error "Operation failed: OperationResponse 227: ReturnCode: 32762 (Failed to get server instance.). Parameters: {} Server: MasterServer"
  • Ogoku
    Seems that the Master Server is not responding correctly. When you change the region under Window -> Photon Unity Networking ->Highlight Server Settings it will work again. (I changed from eu to us and got no problems)
  • Hi @artourky,

    we had some issues with the EU cloud during the weekend which might be related to your problem. EU cloud is back up again, so you may want to give it another try and see if it works now. If you still have problems feel free to ask again.