Trouble with Deploy.proj script

edited October 2011 in Photon Server
I have updated to version V3 (previous 2.6)and now run into some errors when i want build the apps with Deploy.prompter.cmd (all options)

First few errors i got were due missing directories (and files);
- MSBuild.Community.Tasks (sept, 2011)
- Microsoft.Sdc.tasks (aug, 2008)

I found these files on the I-net, but would like to know if i have to build them myself (how?) or should i look somewhere?
After i downloaded these files and put them in the requested directory it comes with a new error;
MSBUILD : error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "Release|BPC" is
invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the Configuration
and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /
p:Platform="Any CPU") or leave those properties blank to use the default soluti
on configuration. [F:\Photon3\src-server\LiteWebSockets\Lite.sln]

I noticed some lines were changed/added in the deploy.proj
So i tried to change the CPU-settings to bin_win32_XP , but no luck there.


<Import Project="MSBuild.Community.Tasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>
<Import Project="Microsoft.Sdc.tasks\Microsoft.Sdc.Common.tasks"/>


ADD; I have on the same PC Visual Studio 2010 Premium


  • Hi,

    sorry for the bug in deploy.proj. It will be fixed with the next release of Photon 3. In the meantime, you can simply delete the following lines from the deploy.proj file:
    &lt;Import Project="MSBuild.Community.Tasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/&gt;
    &lt;Import Project="Microsoft.Sdc.tasks\Microsoft.Sdc.Common.tasks"/&gt;

    Afterwards, it should work again, without any additional files.

    The other error - "Specified solution configuration "Release|BPC" is invalid" - is not related to the deploy.proj script. You don't need to edit any settings.
    The Lite projects can be built in two configurations: "Debug" or "Release", and support only one platform, "Any CPU". (If you open Lite.sln in Visual Studio, you can set the configuration and platform in Tools -> Configuration Manager).
    The deploy.prompter.cmd is building the files in "Release" configuration (see line 5: "set configuration=Release"), it does not modify the platform setting, so it should always do a "Release|Any CPU" build. I don't see where the "BPC" should come from. Have you manually changed a platform setting to "BPC" somewhere?
  • Strange Indeed, i tried to pin down where the "Release|BPC" comes from, but all seems to be right, in both the deploy.proj, Lite.sln.proj and Lite.sln(all 3 are Debug+any CPU)
    Deploy.prompter..cmd shows; set configuration=Release

    // I found it!
    Its a notification in the registry simular problems might occure with other HP machines, they use HPD sometimes(This is a HP aswell)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
    -> Platform

    leaving it blank and restart the system should do the trick. Will test now and post any updates. (brb)

    **UPDATE** all runs smooth now!
    Thanks for the quick and good support.