OnPhotonSerializeView not fire in scene photonView?

Hi, I use photonView on a gameobject which is aready in scene. like this:

In LocalPlayScene.cs :

public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info) { Debug.Log("OnPhotonSerializeView"); if (stream.isWriting) { // We own this player: send the others our data stream.SendNext(chacters); } else { // Network player, receive data this.chacters =(List<SlotContainerKeyPair>)stream.ReceiveNext(); Debug.Log(stream.ReceiveNext()); } }

But when I play. there's no Log info out.

Am I wrong?
Please Help


  • niflying
    Ok, My mistake. It looks like when another player connected. It works. If only one player the OnPhotonSerializeView doesn't fire.