Getting SocketException: ConnectionReset when loading level


I'm getting the error message "Receiving failed. SocketException: ConnectionReset" in some cases when loading a level (big scene, it takes like 10 secs to load).

I have a PC, a laptot and the PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene flag set to true. If the laptop creates de room everything goes alright but if the PC creates the room and the laptot joins I get that error message.

The laptop is way slower than the PC but I don't know if that's relevant since Photon automatically load the level and handle the sync thread.

Any ideas?


  • Hi @AJimenez,

    do you get this error on the PC or the Laptop client?

    And another question: what is your build target? If it is WebGL this might cause some trouble if loading times are too high.
  • AJimenez
    I'm getting it mostly in the laptop but randomly in the PC too. I'm getting that response in editor mode but my target it's standalone.
  • Sorry for the late response.

    Do you use TCP connection when connecting to Photon?
    Do you use the latest PUN version? If not, maybe an update helps solving this problem.

    When you load your level, which loading function do you use? If you have huge loading times, it might be a good idea to load the level asynchronous. If you are already doing this, can you share us a repro case so we can take a look at this directly?
  • AJimenez
    In fact I solved it reverting to a previous version of Photon. I've tried to load the level with PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel and with unity's scene manager (asyn too). I'll try to give you a repro case but it seems like we're doing something very specific that makes Photon disconnect.
  • Tobias
    If you can send a repro case, we would like to take a look. If we understand how this is caused, we can decide if it's an error we should handle better.
    Glad you found a workaround (by reverting).