What uses bandwidth specifically?

Hi there,

I'm a little confused as to what uses bandwidth specifically. For example, please have a look at the code below:
void Start() {
    photonView.RPC("RPCFunction", PhotonTargets.All, SomeString, SomeInt);

void RPCFunction(string SomeString, int SomeInt) {
   // do something with the string
   // do something with the int
Am I using bandwidth only when I call the RPC and when I pass the string and the int? Or am I also using bandwidth with the functionality inside RPCFunction(). For example would it be better if inside RPCFunction() I just had another function being called say Function() and I moved everything there kind of like the following or does it make no difference?
void RPCFunction(string SomeString, int SomeInt) {
    Function(SomeString, SomeInt);

void Function(string SomeString, int SomeInt) {
    // do something with the string
   // do something with the int
Thanks in advance!

Best Answers


  • stefanplc
    So the inside of the RPCFunction doesn't really matter then correct? I'm only being charged for sending the RPC and whatever variables I pass along like ints and strings and so forth, right?
  • stefanplc