OperationResponse 225 - ReturnCode: 32760 (No match found)

Hi there,

This is probably a pretty basic question, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Is there an equivalent function that I can override to customize what happens when I'm getting that message (in the title)? Something similar to how "public override void OnJoinedRoom() { }" works for example?



  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Hi @stefanplc,

    Did you try this callback:
    void OnPhotonJoinRoomFailed(object[] codeAndMsg)
  • stefanplc
    Yep, and OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed too
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did not get what you mean.
    Is the random join failure callback not helping or not firing?
  • stefanplc
    The RandomJoinFailed callback is working, but I'm wondering if I could replace this message in my Console that says "Operation failed: OperationResponse 225: ReturnCode: 32760 (No match found). Parameters: {}
    UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object)" with something else. It's not really a big deal, but it bothers me for some reason when I run my game to get any sort of warnings or alerts, I always try to keep everything crystal clear.

    To give more insight on what I'm doing is I have a sql lobby and filter so users get matched based on rating. The way I have it setup is that at first the user does a JoinRandomRoom using +50 and -50 rating as the search criteria (ex: if they have 1000 rating, they'll search for an opponent between 950 and 1050). If that fails, inside OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed I have it run the same JoinRandomRoom function again, but with +100 and -100 as the rating range. Then it goes to 150 and so forth till around 400. If it still hasn't found anyone it then creates a room and waits for someone else with a similar rating to search for a game.

    Everything works great, the only issue is that I keep getting this yellow alert inside my console and I would really like to get rid of it or replace it with someone else. I know it's not a big deal, but still, kind of bothers me lol.
  • OneManArmy
    double click on warning and replace warning with Debug.Log(), or completely remove warning.
  • stefanplc
    You mean inside the Photon code right? That's what I was thinking too.
  • stefanplc
    That's a good call, just did it, thanks!