App Store review , APP COMPLETENESS, Why app getting rejected with IPv6 message?

I am using old unity version unity4.6.5f1.
And photon Unity Networking v1.64
Generated by Doxygen 1.8.7
Thu Nov 5 2015 15:48:10.

1. Submitted for review to app store.
2. It is rejected with the error "We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.2 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network. Specifically, a network error occurs after launch."
3.Is it problem of PUN SDK ? or Problem of Unity version ?
4.How to check in IPV6 ?

Please elaborate.


  • Tobias
    Did you see this topic:
    In short: Make sure you test. When you did, appeal the rejection.

    Sadly, we have no sane explanation from Apple why they reject games at initial tests but let them pass later on. A support ticket with Apple Dev about this, is not yet resolved.
  • Ajay_Bhojani
    edited January 2017
    Hi, thanks for reply.

    Tested as per IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Compatibility Regularly.

    Tested app by creating IPV6.

    When I am connecting IPV4 :

    1) All app function, web server call , photon call etc works very good.
    2) Generating and joining room successfully.
    But when connecting device with IPv6 hotspot using IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 test,

    1) Does not connecting to photon cloud
    2) Web service works well
    2) Not able to connect with the photon server, so can't creating,joining room.

    So getting confused where is my mistake ? Please help what should i do.
    Thanks in advance.
  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    edited January 2017
    Please read that linked post carefully: You have to update Unity to 4.7.2.
    And you should update PUN, as your v1.64 was released 5. November 2015. That's pre-IPv6-support times.

  • agomes
    @Tobias, I'm trying problems with Unity 5.5.0f3. I’m sending my app to review and a lot of times, was rejected. I followed the step-by-step instructions in Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks and works in my mac mini. I tried a lot time send my app explaining this situation and i don’t know reproduced the problems related. My app is using Unity 5.5.0f3, PUN (v1.80) and the protocol used is UDP. Please i need a help, someone had this problem, You know if this version unity support ipv6?