How to display the PhotonNetwork.playerList as a ranking?

Cheers guys and happy new year :)

What's the recommended way to get a player custom property and print every player ranked using photon networks player list?

I'd try something like this but I cannot figure out how to code that the score get's ranked and displayed in the correct order? :
    void DisplayRanking()
        foreach (PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.playerList)
            int score = (int)player.CustomProperties["score"];

            // but how to code that the score now get's ranked and displayed in the correct order?
            display.text += (player.NickName + " Score: " + player.CustomProperties["score"] + " \n");


  • JannickL
    No one? :smile:
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2017
    @JannickL you could try Linq for sorting, something like this:
    using System.Linq;
    void DisplayRanking(){
            var leaderboard = from p in PhotonNetwork.playerList
                orderby (int) p.CustomProperties["score"] descending
                select p;
            foreach(var player in leaderboard)
                int score = (int)player.CustomProperties["score"];
                display.text += string.Format("{0} Score: {1}\n", player.NickName, score);