PhotonNetwork.Instantiate teleports objects for other clients

Merry Christmas!

Wondering how I can improve this issue. My master client is ok with instantiating new objects into the game, however, the other players see it teleporting/flying to it's spawn location.

How would I fix this?

This is done on the master client.

GameObject asteroid = (GameObject)PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(someasteroid, spawnSpots.transform.position, spawnSpots.transform.rotation, 0);


  • JannickL
    Do you use an RPC for moving the asteroids or do you use send the position and rotation information over the network in OnPhotonSerializeView() ? Maybe you have forgotten to observe the script in the photonView?

    Some more infos needed :) Could have many issues.
  • Pav
    Asteroids have a networkscript "OnPhotonSerialize" and I am also observing the script in PhotonView.
    Also observing the rigidbody2D in PhotonView.
  • JannickL
    edited December 2016
    Please show me the code of how you sync the objects :)

    Here is what i use for update a position (don't forget to start the coroutine):
        Vector3 position;
        IEnumerator UpdateData() // start the coroutine in void Start
            while (true) // endless loop
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, position, Time.deltaTime * 10);
                yield return null;
        void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info) // you NEED to name it like this
            if (stream.isWriting) // sending
            else // reading
                position = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
    Compare this with your script.

    You don't need to observe the rigidbody if you don't change the properties and if so, you should use rpcs for this anyway :)

    What i don't get is that you spawn the asteroids at a spawn location and you see them flying through it?
    So where are they spawning or what do you want to do with the asteroids? Are they spawning at , at the spawn points or at another place and you see them flying through the spawn points.

  • Pav
    That's real similar to my code. I also included rotation though.

    So my asteroids have a spawn point, but they spawn at for other clients.
    On masterclient, they spawn at the appropriate locations.
  • Pav
    So they spawn/photonnetwork.instantiate at for other clients and then "fly" to the proper spawn location.
  • JannickL
    edited December 2016
    Ah yeah now i got you. There is no problem with your sync etc. that's all fine. Try this code:

    Make a private bool and call it bool initialLoad and set it to true than use this code (you can use this with the code from above):
            //...On first load we don't want to let the asteroid "fly to his correct position"
            if (initialLoad)
                initialLoad = false;
                transform.position = position;
    This should fix the error
  • Pav
    So something like this?
  • JannickL
    edited December 2016
    @Pav Nearly :) There you go:

    This is what i use and what works good for me :)
  • Pav
    Perfect. That works :)