array as custompropertises problem

i use a algorithm that in each round set a array of numbers for each player and in each turn a number replcae by a default numbers. problem is here that in round 2 or 3 , martix get smaller and norice that i replace diffrent numbers that photon do not remove one of them. but in this situation i dont know what is problem. can anybody help me?


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @shahab,

    I did not quite understand the problem.

    You have one or more custom properties that are arrays and you update those properties from time to time. You need to update whole array every time and not just an element.
    If it is possible for you, maybe it is better to avoid having an array as a custom property and choose to have a custom property per element with special index key.
  • shahab
    @JohnTube tnx for reply, the problem solved! tnx a lot