Bug with Photon Transform View zeroing out values on firstTake

Title says it all, but basically if you uncheck Synchronize Position, and your object isn't at (0,0,0), it will be moved there on all non-server clients. This is because it sets m_firstTake to true, which applies some initial NetworkPosition or whatever value to the control despite the model being disabled.

Here's how I fixed it, simply by adding if checks before each firstTake transformation:
// force latest data to avoid initial drifts when player is instantiated.
			if (m_firstTake)
				m_firstTake = false;
				if (this.m_PositionModel.SynchronizeEnabled)
					this.transform.localPosition = this.m_PositionControl.GetNetworkPosition();
				if (this.m_RotationModel.SynchronizeEnabled)
					this.transform.localRotation = this.m_RotationControl.GetNetworkRotation();
				if (this.m_ScaleModel.SynchronizeEnabled)
					this.transform.localScale = this.m_ScaleControl.GetNetworkScale();
If I'm missing something, please correct me, as I'm new to Photon. But this seems like a bug to me as it should preserve transforms it's not synchronizing, or at the very least affect both server and client.

Hope this helps! Other than this, Photon's been an awesome product :)