Problem with the physics of the Ball

A beginner's doubt!
I hace a ball and a player 2. When player 2 kicks the ball it does not move.

A ball has: PhotonView, TransformView, Rigidbody2DView.

With the player 1 the kick work.
What is missing? Is there an example with a ball?


  • Hello,

    In my game to share the ball's movement on the network i add a script to it.
    And in this script i have the "OnPhotonSerializeView" and you use it like how you manage your player movement.

    in my game:

    OnPhotonSerializeView :
     Vector3 syncPositionBall =;
            Vector3 syncVelocityBall =;
            if (stream.isWriting)
                syncPositionBall = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
                syncVelocityBall = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
                syncTime = 0;
                syncDelay = Time.time - lastSyncTime;
                lastSyncTime = Time.time;
                syncEndPosition = syncPositionBall + syncVelocityBall * syncDelay;
                syncStartPosition = transform.position;
    and in the FixedUpdate() :
            if (!GetComponent<PhotonView>().isMine)
                syncTime += Time.deltaTime;
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(syncStartPosition, syncEndPosition, syncTime / syncDelay);
    and of course add this script and the rigidbody component to the PhotonView.
  • GaloMG
    edited December 2016
    Thank you so much. A doubt, doing this code do I have to keep the TransformView and Rigid2d View?
    I'll follow this code. However, is this the only way to do it?

    I attached the form I was making. That way it should not work?

  • If you use the script you don't need to put the component because they should do the same work.
    But i dont exactly know how work the component because i had trouble with the rotation of my players while using them.

    the other way would be with the component like you did , but like i said earlier I don't really know how they are working.